Sunday, July 11, 2010

Well the first annual Jennings family reunion has officially come and gone, and let me tell you, it was historic! Naturally after all of the kids have gotten married and moved out, it is time to start having a family reunion once a year to bring everyone together! It was only fitting that the reunion started out with a bunch of food! Best part of the meal, well the desserts of course. However check out the many cuts of meat brought by one and all...After the meal, which I can only assume was intentionally set up this way so that I would be full and slow and not up to my full potential, we played the game show called Minute to Win it! For those who don't know this game, it is a show in which you have to complete several small tasks with random objects, in one minute (60 seconds)! Things such as shooting 6 empty pop cans off, not just down, but off the table using only rubber bands from about 6 feet away! Or how about moving three cookies (oreos) from your forehead down and into your mouth using nothing but facial muscles! Or how about shaking 8 ping pong balls out of a kleenex box tied to your waist! Or how about keeping 3 balloons in the air. Or how about .... Well you get the idea! It was such a blast and definitely made for some really good pictures! A huge thanks to my sister Hilary for setting it all up for us! Lots of work, and lots of fun! Check out some of the activities...We had a great time, and can't wait until next year for the second annual reunion!


  1. You got some cute pictures! I want to see all of the pictures that everyone took! Thanks for being so cute and not thinking it was lame. You were lots of fun. Rylee LOVED being your partner and Hayden loved being Andrew's partner. You two are so cute with the kids and I appreciate it so much! Go check out my blog...there's some cute pictures there too!:) Love you guys!

  2. I tried making a comment yesterday and couldn't get it to go. Thanks for the pictures and welcome back to the world of blog

  3. Pretty fun! All good parties have food. So, who was better? Andrew or Sara?

  4. Wow! Looks like you guys are having a fun summer! I am sooo jealous of your cruise!!! Maybe I will get Trav to take me on one before we have kids! p.s. I am adding you guys to my blog list!
