Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Things You've Missed...

I was doing so well at keeping up with our blog and then... Life happened, I guess. But here are the things that we've been up to for the past few weeks.
We went to yet another Utah game where we kicked the other teams trash! So fun! We even got our faces painted this time! I'm sure we'll be doing that more often now that we have discovered how much fun the tailgate parties are! We got all sorts of free stuff... probably the best part of that game!
Not 100% sure of what Andrew is doing in these pictures.
And here comes Swoop up the stands again... He should probably do it earlier in the game next time when there are still a lot of fans there! He almost got dropped a few times...
And here is my poor car... I don't really want to talk about it... Some guy ran a stop sign and BAM, there goes our car! I seem to always be in the right place at the right time with those things.
Then, while we were driving up to Layton on Saturday, we saw a ton of smoke over the hill! So, naturally, we drove over there to see what was going on! And this is what we found. A house burning down. We feel so bad for the people that live there! The house was pretty much completely burned down. I'm pretty certain there wasn't much left. Hopefully they got some of their stuff out before it was all ruined!

And that's what you've missed... Not a lot has been going on with us lately. Just work for the two of us and school for Andrew. Super exciting! But hey, at least we get to be married now so we can go home to each other after our long days!

1 comment:

  1. The game does sound fun. The other stuff, not so much. But the word on the street is that that house was suppose to be burned down. At least if it was the one is South Weber. Matt drove past it before it he could see any smoke and the fire station was already there. I don't know for sure, but that's what I hear. And I better see some pictures of your Halloween decorations!
