Andrew has a thing for hitting birds. Ever since we started spending time in Salt Lake (freshman year in college), he has hit an unusual amount of birds. For some reason, when Andrew is driving the birds flock to the car... apparently all of the birds with a death wish have heard about Andrew's bird hitting skills.
It all started when we were on our way home from school one day and there was a group of birds in the road in front of us. When we started getting closer to the group of birds most of them flew away. Except the one with the death wish. He stayed in the road waiting for us. So, naturally, Andrew slowed down in hopes that the bird would get the hint and fly away. It didn't. Plan B: make sure not to hit the bird with the tires! So he lined up the car so that the bird would be able to stay safe (sounds like a good plan, right? Wrong!) As soon as the car went over him, he freaked out and tried to fly away (Apparently he didn't understand the plan). We didn't know the poor guy had tried to fly away and in the hopes that he was still standing safely in the road, we looked behind the car and POOF!, an explosion of feathers. Poor bird!
Since then we have had several encounters with birds while Andrew has been driving. A few months ago a bird literally flew into the side of the car while we were driving through the Avenues. Birds have taken nose dives aimed at the windshield until suddenly realizing what was going on and flying away at the last second.
Today, however, is the best bird story in my opinion. Andrew was driving on the way to work and there were a ton of birds on the road. There were not any birds in the lane in front of us so Andrew slowed down a little but still kept going. Suddenly one of the pigeons started WALKING across the street in front of us. Why? We don't really know! He must have been looking to get hit. Andrew stopped the car and let the pigeon cross the street while the car behind us, I'm sure, thought that we were just crazy. At least the pigeon had some sense to walk across the street at a crosswalk.
Note to birds: Stop flying/walking into our car! Andrew doesn't want to hurt you!
Beauty Queen
5 years ago