Friday, July 9, 2010

Recent Activities

Well seeing as how we are late bloomers at creating this blog thing, we figured we better cover the last little while in this first post! This first picture is of us on our cruise! This is in Cabo San Lucas! We went on a 7 day cruise and had a blast! The best part of the cruise had to be the food. Sara was eating as much sea food as she could get her hands on, and I was enjoying all the desserts I wanted to eat!
This is a picture of the people we ate with every night for dinner on the cruise! Good thing we wore some pink or this would have been a very dark and bland picture! We probably gained 20 pounds all in all sitting at this table, once you start, you can't stop!

Also on the cruise we found a new favorite activity of playing shuffleboard! Somehow Sara is a natural at this game, and Andrew looked like an uncoordinated ape when playing with her!
Since coming home from the cruise we have been to a couple of Real Salt Lake games! Andrew seems to enjoy them a little bit more than Sara does, but thankfully sometimes they have fireworks at the end of the game so that they are a little bit more tolerable!
We also had the pleasure of going to stadium of fire this year! We saw Carrie Underwood perform, and felt like the only two people in the stadium singing along with her! Well, us and the girl that was sitting next to Sara that is. Despite all of the great music and the flyover and the amazing fireworks in the air, the craziest part of the whole event was that one of the fireworks misfired and shot sideways into the crowd. This happened on the field right in front of us and we saw a man get caught on fire... Unintentionally, and not part of the show, he was caught on fire! It was intense!
Other than these activities, we've just been having fun spending time together, playing together, and experiencing life! We love playing super nintendo together, and we're pretty sure there is no better game than Mario Brothers and Donkey Kong... And QBert!
We are both currently working, and Sara is finishing up her last two classes, one online, and one independent study! After those two classes she is done! Andrew, however, as we have just figured out tonight, if things work out perfectly, will get done with school after the Spring 2012 semester! Lets hope it doesn't drag on too much further after that!
Oh, and people who live without lists are crazy! We have to have lists or we forget stuff and go crazy! Advice for the day: Make a new list!


  1. Looks like tons of fun! I hope you guys to do a better job of keeping this one updated! :D Can't wait to read what is next!

  2. Fun! I am happy you have a blog now!

  3. YAY! You started a new blog! I love it! You are doing a great job, and I love your description at the side. You are definitely a ridiculously good looking couple! Love you guys!

  4. Yeah! I'm glad you got your new blog going! Looks like you guys are enjoying life!
